The server list does not have support for different ports on the "Join" button. Instead its just the IP with no port.
Even when putting the port number in the ip address it just gets dropped as if it isnt there.
+1 this would be a nice edition. If your IP is 12.34.567.89:27055 it is reverted to just 12.34.567.89 and may lead to another server. FeelsBadMan
Trippst3r said previously:+1 this would be a nice edition. If your IP is 12.34.567.89:27055 it is reverted to just 12.34.567.89 and may lead to another server. FeelsBadMan
I highly doubt it would redirect to a different server, most likely just cause a "failed after 3 retired error".
But +1 this needs to be fixed. --Moving to bugs for further review.
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